Meet Chloe Schaufelberger: Customer Success Specialist


Meet Chloe Schaufelberger, Liftify's newest Customer Success Specialist! With a background in organizational leadership and customer service, Chloe cares deeply about taking care of customers and delivering her work with excellence.

Personal Background

Chloe grew up in a small town in Southern Illinois with her parents and her 3 siblings. Throughout her childhood, her family was heavily involved in both her church and the Greenville community. As she got into high school, she loved being social and performing. Chloe had many interests as a kid in both music and sports and ultimately ended up pursuing tennis, leading worship in her youth group, and participating in musicals. She also spent her summers lifeguarding and working at the local movie theatre.

When it was time to head to college Chloe only looked at one school, Taylor University. She had seen her older brother go to school there and desired the same experience he had, which included great academics, a faith-centered culture, and lifelong friends! She decided to pursue a marketing & management degree as well as play tennis at Taylor. Throughout her 4 years at TU, Chloe was heavily involved and took on multiple leadership roles through being an RA, leading small group, co-creating the Business Department's Annual Report, and working in her favorite campus offices: the Alumni Office and The Career & Calling Office.

Post-grad, Chloe headed to the Indianapolis area for the summer to train for her job which would give her a location placement at the end of the summer. She was thrilled when she was placed permanently in Noblesville, Indiana and has called Indiana home since then! Since moving to Indianapolis, she spends most of her time being involved at her church, walking on the Monon Trail with her friends, and visiting her siblings! Some of her favorite things to do outside of work include playing tennis and pickleball, seeing musicals with her mom and sister, trying new restaurants (especially ones with live music), and recently she has been learning how to line dance!

Professional Background (Before Liftify)

In between her junior and senior year of college, Chloe participated in the Kohl's Management Internship where she got a taste of both the corporate and in-store management experience. She learned both the operational side of the company as well as the apparel and merchandising side. At the end of her program, she presented a final project and ran numbers for a corporate store-walk and was offered a full-time job following graduation. 

After Chloe graduated from Taylor in May of 2022, she headed to Noblesville to do an intensive management training program for 3 months. Following this she took over as Assistant Store Manager and Manager of Operations at Kohl's Noblesville location. During her time there she spent the vast majority of her days running truck delivery and unloads, overseeing and conducting inventory, and managing online orders and replenishment. Throughout her time at Kohl's she developed skills in organizational leadership, customer service, and developing & implementing best practices. She made strides in her professional development as she participated in many meetings and store-walks with corporate leaders in the company.

At Liftify

In late 2023, as Chloe began her search for what was next, a mutual connection introduced her to Zach. Through getting to know Zach and the team, it became an easy choice to join Liftify as a Customer Success Specialist. With being so early in her career, it has been a great opportunity for her to get involved in many different facets of the business. With her ability to connect with others, complete tasks with efficiency, and her willingness to learn and try new things, she has been a great addition to Liftify. 

Just in my short time of working at Liftify, I have loved being part of the team. It has given me the ability to try new things and to actively contribute and participate in brainstorming and problem-solving! They truly live up to their values and follow-through on what they say they will do, which I think is a rarity these days. My favorite part of working at Liftify is spending time with my teammates who are SO fun & welcoming, reliable, and driven!

- Chloe Schaufelberger | Customer Success Specialist at Liftify





Zach Garrett

Zach Garrett / About Author

Zach is the Founder & CEO of Liftify and also an industry expert on reputation, digital marketing, and brand experience.

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