Reporting & Analytics

Superior Reporting & Analytics Available In Real Time

Access our industry leading reporting and analytics to see trends and track key reputation metrics.

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Why It Matters

Every Business Needs Clear Reputation Analytics

You deserve to have clear and compelling visuals that help you see high level data and easily drill down into your metrics in ways that helps your business gain key insights and grow.

Stay Up To Date
Always stay current on your reputation stats 
See Trends
Identify trends over time and future run rates
Schedule Reports
Reports automatically sent to your inbox
Drill Down Into Data
Drill down into your data to gain further insights
Reporting & Analytics

Our Most Popular Reporting Solutions

                                        See our most popular reporting solutions used by our customers to make sense of all of their reputation data.



Track Public Review Reporting Seamlessly

See all of your public review ratings and reviews from all platforms directly within the Liftify dashboard. View overall trends, segment by location, and much more.

Popular Features
  • Ratings reports over time
  • Ratings by locations
  • Leaderboard of which employees are earning reviews
  • Year over year comparison
  • Review response rates
  • NPS by Google Reviews
  • Custom dashboards 
  • Customizable permissions
  • Summarize insights across all reviews with AI
  • Scheduled reporting via email
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Measure Internal Metrics Such As NPS and CSAT Scores

Compelling visuals provide a clear summary and breakdown of your survey responses and metrics over time. See overall trends or click to drill into specific data points to learn more.

Popular Features
  • Survey scores over time
  • Scores by locations
  • Year over year comparison
  • Custom dashboards 
  • Customizable permissions
  • Scheduled reporting via email



Monitor Response Times To Customer Messages

See how your team is handling inbound customer messages from your website, social channels, or text conversations. Measure overall, by location, or by employee.

Popular Features
  • Response time reports
  • Active conversation report
  • Total messages over time report
  • Custom dashboards 
  • Customizable permissions
  • Scheduled reporting via email
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Manage Open Cases And Close The Loop On Issues

Manage open customer issues from reviews or surveys by opening a case and assigning to a team member on the team to resolve. Watch the case progression and ensure that all customer issues are resolved in a timely manner.

Popular Features
  • Assign to specific team member
  • Monitor progress of ticket
  • Time to close case report
  • Status by stage report
  • Open cases by team member report
  • Customizable permissions
  • Scheduled reporting via email
Additional features

Gain Insights To Move Your Business Forward

Custom Filtering
Easily set up custom filters specific to your business to drill down into the data and gain insights.
Permission Based Access
Set up user permissions so that everyone on the team sees just the reporting they need.
Scheduled Reporting
Schedule any report to hit your inbox via email or download data to manipulate in excel.
AI Enabled
Utilize AI to identify trends and themes of what is going well and what needs to improve.
Reporting Use Case

Tyler Fyock, Marketing Manager at SERVPRO Team Holland

Hear from restoration marketing manager Tyler Fyock on his experience using the Liftify dashboard and reporting features to track data and report out to his leadership and team the impact Liftify is making in their business.

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