Strategy & Consulting

Let Liftify Help You Build A Reputation Strategy For the Future

Our team works with you to customize the right plan for your business.

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It matters what they're saying about you

Marketing used to be what you said about yourself. In today's age, your reputation is what customers are saying about you, particularly on your Google page. We're here to help you:

→ Understand the timeline of your customers and when they will be willing to leave a review.

→ Determine the right balance between internal & public feedback.

→ Analyze reports, recognize trends, and continually optimize your process to maximize your reviews.

→ Utilize our tools to stay active and consistent in public customer interactions.


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Popular Topics

Most Common Topics That We work On With Customers

                                        We specialize in building custom reputation solutions to help you reach strategic business growth objectives.

Maximizing Public Reviews

We know everyone is different - that's why we work with you to create a customized solution that maximizes your reviews.

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Market & Google Profile Expansion

We can work with you to enhance and optimize your business profiles to capture the attention of future customers.

Modernizing Brand Experience Metrics

With our robust reporting system, we are able to create custom dashboards that provide you with the reports that are most relevant to you.

Measuring ROI of Reputation Building

Is reputation building worth it? We help you quickly see the ROI and benefits of investing time and energy into your reputation.

Rethinking NPS Strategy & Approach

We work with your team to ensure that the great feedback your customers are giving you isn't solely internal. 

Culture Activation & Team Buy In

Liftify works with you to help your team to understand the importance of reviews, how to get them, and how it affects every single team member.

Use Case

Customer Story: STAR Financial Bank

Hear from bank President Kevin Wright on why STAR Financial bank switched to Liftify to execute their internal survey process and also help them modernize their strategy for collecting internal and external feedback to support STAR's business objectives.

Get in Touch

Interested in learning more? Let's Schedule a call.